KubiSolitaire for Windows, Android, and iOS
Game Statistics File
File Formats > Game Statistics File

The game statistics file is a simple text file that contains several fields separated by tab characters. In the following table, the meaning of the fields and the respective field format is described:

Field Name Format Content
1 Record type digit 0: year record
1: year record (summary of the last year)
2: month record
3: month record (summary of the last month)
4: day record
2 Period yyyy.MM.dd yyyy: 4 digits for the year
MM: 2 digits for the month, 00 for year records
dd: 2 digits for the day, 00 for year and month records
3 GamesPlayed integer the number of played Draw1 games during period
4 GamesWon integer the number of won Draw1 games during period
5 Points integer earned points in Draw1 games during period
6-8 as 3-5 as 3-5 for Draw2 games
9-11 as 3-5 as 3-5 for Draw3 games
Table 18: Record Fields of the Game Statistics File