KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Action Box
User Interface > Specific User Interface Elements > Action Box

The action box is a combination of two buttons and one list box, the latter is opened on demand on the right or on top of the action box (Table 12):

Aktions-Combo-Box Aktions-Combo-Box ListBoxSingle ActionButton DropDownButton ListBoxMultiple
Figure 42: Single selection mode Figure 43: Multiple selection mode

Table 12: Selection Modes of the Action Box

  1. Action button
    Here, the selected action is shown. When you click it, it will be executed immediately.
  2. Drop-down button
    With this button, the list box with all selectable elements can be opened or closed.
  3. List box in single selection mode
    • A single entry can be selected only. This will be displayed highlighted.
    • If another entry is selected, the previously selected entry will be displayed normal again.
  4. List box in multiple selection mode
    • All entries contain a check box. By clicking it, you can it made checked or unchecked as needed.
    • All checked entries are combined into a single line and shown on the action button.

Table 13 shows the keyboard keys usable on the action box depending on the focused element and depending on the selection mode.

Focus Element Key Selection Mode Function
Action button Enter
Executes the action shown.
Folds in the list box.
Right arrow Sets the input focus to the drop-down button.
Drop-down button Enter
Open the list box and sets the input focus to it.
Right arrow Open the list box and sets the input focus to it.
Left arrow Sets the input focus to the action button.
List box Enter
Single Copies the content of the current list item to the action button.
Multiple Toggles selection of the current list item and copies or removes the item content from/to the action button.
Single Folds in the list box.
Multiple Folds in the list box.
Up arrow Single Selects the previous list item if existing.
Multiple Goes to the previous list item if existing.
Down arrow Single Selects the next list item if existing.
Multiple Goes to the next list item if existing.
Table 13: Action Box Keys