KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Game Statistics File
File Formats > Game Statistics File
Field Name Format Content
1 Record type digit 0: year record
1: year record (summary of the last year)
2: month record
3: month record (summary of the last month)
4: day record
2 Period yyyy.MM.dd yyyy: 4 digits for the year
MM: 2 digits for the month, 00 for year records
dd: 2 digits for the day, 00 for year and month records
3 DeclarerGames integer announced declarer Thrash games during period
4 DeclarerPoints decimal earned declarer Thrash points during period
5 CalleeGames integer played callee games during period (0 for Thrash)
6 CalleePoints decimal earned callee points during period (0 for Thrash)
7 TotalGames integer played games by declarer, callee, and opponents
8 TargetPoints decimal to be achieved points by declarer or callee during period
9-14 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Caller
15-20 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Three with Six
21-26 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Zwiccolo
27-32 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Piccolo
33-38 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Caller solo
39-44 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Better Caller
45-50 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Beggar
51-56 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Color Three
57-62 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Three
63-68 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Zwiccolo ouvert
69-74 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Piccolo ouvert
75-80 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Beggar ouvert
81-86 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Color Three solo
87-93 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Three solo
94-99 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Pagat Caller
100-105 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Owl Caller
106-111 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Pelican Caller
112-117 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Quapil Caller
118-122 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Triccolo
123-128 as 3-8 as 3-8 for Triccolo ouvert
Table 45: Record Fields of the Game Statistics File