KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Zwiccolo ouvert
Game Rules > Basic Rules and Game Categories > Zwiccolo ouvert

The player of a Zwiccolo ouvert commits himself to make two tricks, not more and not less. As with all ouvert games, the cards of all players are uncovered after taking the first trick and playing the first card after that. Apart from that, the rules for negative games apply. In a Zwiccolo game, you can subdivide your hand cards in the following categories:

The Zwiccolo ouvert player should act follows:

The opponents of the Zwiccolo ouvert player should act as follows:

For a Zwiccolo ouvert game, you should have 2 safe takers, not more and not less. You should not have any unsafe taker. The number of possibly unwanted takers should not be greater than 1. The remaining cards should be safe non-takers and not more than a few unsafe non-takers.