KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Cards and Card Scores
Game Rules > Cards and Card Scores

The deck contains 54 cards. They are divided into 4 color suits with 8 cards per suit and one tarock suit with 22 cards. The color suits are equal in value. The tarock cards are a permanent suit of trumps over trumping the other suits normally.

The red color suits Diamonds and Hearts are containing the following cards ordered from the highest to the lowest value:

The black color suits Clubs and Spades are containing the following cards ordered from the highest to the lowest value:

The 22 tarock cards are labeled by roman numerals from XXII down to I. The numerals define the rank.

The three high score tarock cards XXII, XXI, and I are named Trula and a single card of them is named a Trula Piece (Table 27):

Card Name
XXII Excuse
XXI Moon
I Pagat
Table 27: Trula Pieces

The tarock cards I, II, III, and IIII are named Better Pieces. In a positive tarock game, they can be announced as winners of one of the last tricks (Table 28):

The desired statistics will be displayed. It shows your success record in calendar form.
Card Name Announcement
I Pagat Pagat takes the last trick.
II Owl Uhu penultimo takes the second to the last trick
III Pelican Pelican ante penultimo takes the third to the last trick.
IV/IIII Quapil Quapil ante-ante penultimo takes the fourth to the last trick. Quapil is considered only if the associated game option is selected.
Table 28: Petter Pieces

With the exception of the color games, tarock always overtrumps color suits. In a color game in contrast, tarock functions as the fifth color suit and does not overtrump color suits. Within the same suit, the higher ranked card overtrumps the lower ranked card. A special exception from this rule in tarock games is:

The scoring of the cards is different from the ranking at trick winning. So has the lowest tarock - the Pagat- one of the highest scoring value for example. There are also two different card scorings:

The following table gives the card values for the two different card scores:

Playing Cards 1/3 1/1
Conversion in Bits Points
Kings, Excuse (XXII), Moon (XXI) and Pagat (I) 5/-2 5 * 3 - 2 13 5
Queens 4/-2 4 * 3 - 2 10 4
Knights 3/-2 3 * 3 - 2 7 3
Jacks 2/-2 2 * 3 - 2 4 2
all other cards 1/-2 1 * 3 - 2 1 1
Table 3: Card Scoring in Points and Bits