you can look at the possible questions!
KubiTarockQuizMode Here
you can learn quiz playing!
  • In a quiz game, you can train your memory and thus your playing skills improve.
  • Randomly selected questions about the current playing cards state are presented to you during the game1).
  • After you have selected the supposedly correct answer, the solution will be presented to you immediately.
  • Depending on the question you will get different numbers of points for the correct or also for an almost correct solution.
  • In the quiz statistics you can read the development of your success in a calendar. If you have reached a minimum number of points and a minimum success rate, you will also receive symbolic awards such as flower pot, medal, and cup.
1) Excluded are ouvert games: In Zwiccolo ouvert, Piccolo ouvert, and Begar ouvert games, no questions are asked.