KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Owl Caller
Game Rules > Basic Rules and Game Categories > Owl Caller

The Qwl Caller is a Better Caller, who commits himself at the game announcement

For a Qwl Caller, it is more important to take the penultimate trick with the Pagat than to win the game. This means that no other player should have Tarock at the time of the penultimate trick. Therefore, the declarer and his partner must do their best to reduce the tarocks of the opponents.The easiest way to do this is playing tarocks in this way: One partner leads a lower tarock and the other partner overtrumps high. The partner of the declarer should play tarock whenever possible as long as the announced goal seems to be achievable.

For a Owl Caller you must have Tarock-II in your hand. Additionally, you should have at least 7 good tarocks.

Having kings of a short color suit could be helpful to win a trick of that color without losing tarock.