KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Color Three (Farben-Dreier)
Game Rules > Basic Rules and Game Categories > Color Three (Farben-Dreier)

In this positive color game, tarock are playing a minor role. They are classified as the fifth color suit quasi. A player must not play tarock until he has no color suit left. As with all single player games, the declarer must play against three opponents. He can select one-half of the uncovered Talon and sort them in his hand. Afterwards, he must deposit three odd cards on his tricks pile. The Talon half left over goes to the opponents at game end.

A special situation comes up, if the declarer of the Color Three has the forehand position. Depending on a setting, one of the following two rules apply:

For a Color Three, you need top cards from nearly all color suits. Ideally, you should have many cards top down of one color suit. In this way, you could pull out from the opponents first the cards of that suit and then tarocks.

Besides the described forehand situation, you should have at least 2 Kings and one long color suit. If you do not have the King of a suit, you should have at least the queen with some other cards of that suit. If you do not have a single card of a color suit, you should not be forced to add a Trula Piece in this case. It is very bad if you have the Pagat in your hand: You are not allowed to deposit it - as any Trula Piece - and you have scarily a chance to win a trick with it.