KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Three with Six (Sechser-Dreier)
Game Rules > Basic Rules and Game Categories > Three with Six (Sechser-Dreier)

This positive game can be played by the forehand player only. As with all single player games, the declarer must play against three opponents. However, he gets the full Talon undercover. This is a special chance to improve the hand cards significantly. In addition, he can deposit six odd cards to his own tricks pile increasing his initial score thereby.

With the help of the game settings one of two variants of the six of three can be selected:

For a Three with Six you should have seven good tarocks at least. Additionally, one of the following points should be true:

It could be beneficial to have many cards of a single color suit to pull out tarocks from the opponents therewith.

You should announce a Better Piece only if you have at least 2 tarocks more than needed when announcing it in a Better Caller.