If you want to see how long your license is still valid or if you want to buy an add-on to extend your license, you can do the following:
Press this button on the app bar of the game view to show the list of secondary commands. On a PC, you can use the menu of the title bar alternatively. This menu is more detailed than that of the app bar, so you can reach almost all the panes directly.
- Select the command: Show app info.
- The app info pane becomes visible.
- Click this button to go to next pane. Alternatively, you may press the key combination Alt+Right arrow.
- The App billing pane becomes visible. Here you can see your KubiSolitaire account and the licenses tied to it. You also see how long a license is still valid.
- If you want to extend a license, you should select a suitable add-on in the lower part of the pane and click on the corresponding image.
- The corresponding Store app will be opened and the add-on will be offered for purchase.
- If the purchase is successful, you will see the changed license data on the App billing pane.