KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Playing without User Participation
How To > Playing without User Participation

You can also let KubiTarock play without user participation. This is, of course, primarily intended for testing the application. But it can also be fun to watch the application play autonomously.

For this purpose the user should first take over all players so that he can see the cards of all players. How to do this is described here.

After that you can switch on the autonomous game mode as follows:

You can use the following actions to start or stop autonomous playing or to automatically switch off autonomous mode:

  1. To start the run, execute the current action manually. Then all further actions will be executed by the application without user participation. The autonomous run is indicated by the flashing stop button.
  2. If you press the stop button, the autonomous run is stopped and you are ask whether to switch off the autonomous mode.
  3. If you deactivate or minimize the KubiTarock window, e.g. because you want to operate another application, the autonomous run is also stopped.
  4. When you perform any of the following functions, the autonomous mode is automatically turned off: