KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Global Settings
User Interface > Overlay Panes > Global Settings

Figure 18 shows the global settings pane. The properties on this pane are used for all games. The global setting are synchronized over all devices you are logging in with the same account. In online mode, most global settings are disabled.

When you click any circled number in the picture below, the browser will scroll to the explanation of the numbered item. To return to the picture, click the back button.

UsePlayingAssistant UseLearningMode SuppressScoreBooking SaveNewDeck Tariff ApplicationLanguage ChangeAndRestartButton BackButton NextButton HelpButton MoreButton

Figure 18: Global Settings Pane

  1. Use playing assistant
    If this is checked, the simulator selects that input control or that playing card appropriate for executing the next action. You may use the selected one or you may select another. To confirm the selection, it is sufficient to press the Enter key or the Spacebar. In offline games, you can use the shortcut Ctrl+T to mark the next action recommended by the playing assistant once, even if the assistant is not enabled.
  2. Use learning mode
    If this option is selected, the user can request an explanation of the proposed action. All he has to do is click on his player portrait or use the shortcut Ctrl+T.
  3. Suppress score booking
    If this is checked, the booking of the game scores to the user accounts will not be offered when closing the game. This option makes sense especially when archived games are replayed and the scores of those games are booked already.
  4. Save each new deck
    If this is checked, the card deck of each new game will be saved immediately. In case of a program crash, the game can be replayed from begin and the reason for the crash can be found easier than without the saved card deck.
  5. Cost per point
    Here, the cost of one point can be specified in the local currency. The points the player have achieved are multiplied with this tariff and the result is shown in the user balance sheet. If a value of 0.0 is inserted, the user balance is shown in points instead of money amounts. The default value is 0.10.
  6. Application language
    Here, you can select the application language independently from the system setting. You can choose between "Default", "English" and "German". To make the change effective, you must press the following button.
    For newer Android versions, you can select the app language in the system settings. If you do that, the value "Default" should be set as the language.
  7. Change, save, & exit
    This button is enabled only if you have selected another application language than the current one. If you press this button, the language will be changed, the game will be saved, and and the app will be terminated. After restart, the application uses the changed language.
  8.  If you click this button, the pane previously shown is made visible again. If no previous pane exists, the current overlay pane disappears only. Alternatively, you can press the Alt+Left-Arrow key combination.
  9.  If you click this button, the local settings pane will be made visible. Alternatively, you can press the Alt+Right-Arrow key combination.
  10.  Click this button to overlay the game view with the help pane showing online information about the current view content. Alternatively, you can press the F1 key on the keyboard. The help function can be used only if an internet connection is available.
  11.  If the current width of the game view does not allow to display all primary commands of the app bar as buttons, the overhanging commands are moved to the list of secondary commands. That list can be opened by pressing this button. Pressing this button also causes the app bar to be displayed in its maximum size. When in maximum size, the app bar shows a description below each button shape. In the case of overlay panes, commands for all subsequent panes are displayed here after a horizontal line, so that you can reach all subsequent panes directly. After another horizontal line, special commands may be displayed for the respective pane.