KubiTarock for Windows and Android
Rule Set Melk
Game Rules > Predefined Rule Sets > Rule Set Melk

The following tables show the all possible games sorted in ascending order of rank. The game type distinguishes between Positive-Tarock games, Positive-Color games and Negative games. The column Value shows the score. If a different score applies in case of game loss, it is indicated after a slash. The Talon column indicates how many talon cards the game announcer gets. Depending on the individual game, additional bonus points can be made and announced.

Click on the game name if you want to see the details about the particular game. Click on the category if you want to see the basic rules of that game category. If you click on the abbreviation of a bonus point, the browser navigates to the appropriate entry in the table of bonus points.

Table 38 shows the forehand games. The ranking of these games is irrelevant, because the forehand player can choose one of those only if all other players passed and no further licitation takes place:

Game Name Category Rank Score Talon Bonus Points and Additional Conditions
Thrash (Trischaken) Negative 1 1(3) Virgins (no tricks) get 3 points.
Caller (König-Rufer) Positive-Tarock 1 1 3 Possible bonus points: I, II, III, KU, K4, TRL, and VLT.
Three with Six (Sechser-Dreier) Positive-Tarock 1 7/-10 6 Possible bonus points: I, II, III, K4, TRL, and VLT. Full Talon is taken undercover.
Table 38: Forehand Games

Table 39 shows the common games ordered by ascending rank.

Game Name Category Rank Score Talon Bonus Points and Additional Conditions
Caller solo (Solo-Rufer) Positive-Tarock 2 1/-3 Possible bonus points: I, II, III, KU, TRL, H4, K4, T8, T10 und VLT.
Triccolo (3 tricks) Negative 3 3 No bonus points.
Zwiccolo (2 tricks) Negative 3 2 No bonus points.
Piccolo (1 trick) Negative 3 2 No bonus points.
Pagat Caller (Pagat-Rufer) Positive-Tarock 4 1+2 3 Possible bonus points: I, II, III, KU, TRL, H4, K4, T8, T10 und VLT. The Better Piece I is announced with the game.
Qwl Caller (Uhu-Rufer) Positive-Tarock 5 1+4 3 Possible bonus points: I, II, III, KU, TRL, H4, K4, T8, T10 und VLT. The Better Piece II is announced with the game.
Beggar (0 tricks) Negative 6 5 No bonus points.
Color Three (Farben-Dreier) Positive-Color 8 5 3 Possible bonus points: K4 and VLT.
Pelican Caller (Pelikan-Rufer) Positive-Tarock 9 1+6 3 Possible bonus points: I, II, III, KU, TRL, H4, K4, T8, T10 und VLT. The Better Piece III is announced with the game.
Three (Dreier) Positive-Tarock 10 7 3 Possible bonus points: I, II, III, KU, TRL, H4, K4, T8, T10 und VLT.
Triccolo ouvert Negative 11 8 No bonus points.
Zwiccolo ouvert Negative 11 8 No bonus points.
Piccolo ouvert Negative 11 8 No bonus points.
Beggar ouvert Negative 12 8 No bonus points.
Color Three solo Positive-Color 14 9 Possible bonus points: K4 and VLT.
Three solo Positive-Tarock 15 10 Possible bonus points: I, II, III, KU, TRL, H4, K4, T8, T10 und VLT.
Table 39: Common Games

Table 40 shows the possible bonus points. The value in brackets applies when the bonus point has been announced:

Abbr. Name Category Score Meaning
I Pagat ultimo Positive-Tarock 1(2) Pagat takes the last (12.) trick.
II Owl penultimo Positiv-Tarock 2(4) Owl takes the second to the last (11.) trick.
III Pelican ante penultimo Positiv-Tarock 3(6) Pelican takes the third to the last (10.) trick.
KU King ultimo Positiv-Tarock 1(2) The King called must be within the last trick and the opponents must not take it.
TRL Trula Positiv-Tarock 1(2) The game partners have all Trula cards (XXII, XXI, und I) in their tricks.
Moon captured Positive-Tarock 1 An player captures the Moon (XXI) of an opponent. This bonus point cannot be announced.
H4 Honors Positive-Tarock 1 The playing partners have 4 highest value cards (Kings and trula pieces) in their own tricks. The bonus must be announced, otherwise it does not count. The "Big Honors" and "Honors" bonuses are mutually exclusive.
K4 Big Honors Positive-Tarock 2 The playing partners have 4 Kings in their own tricks. The bonus must be announced, otherwise it does not count. The "Big Honors" and "Honors" bonuses are mutually exclusive.
T8 8 Tarocks Positive-Tarock 1 The announcer has 8 Tarocks in his cards. The bonus must be announced, otherwise it does not count. The bonus is counted positively if the announcer has won the game, otherwise it is counted negatively. The "8 Tarocks" and "10 Tarocks" bonuses are mutually exclusive.
T10 10 Tarock Positive-Tarock 1 The announcer has 10 Tarocks in his cards. The bonus must be announced, otherwise it does not count. The bonus is counted positively if the announcer has won the game, otherwise it is counted negatively. The "8 Tarocks" and "10 Tarocks" bonuses are mutually exclusive.
VLT Valat Positive game*5(10) The game partners have taken all tricks. If VLT is announced, TRL, H4, K4, T8, and T10 cannot be announced additionally. TRL, H4, K4, T8 and T10 are generally not counted if VLT.
Table 40: Bonus Points

Die Tabelle 41 shows the scoring settings for the rule set Melk:

Game Settings: Scoring Melk
Scoring table for cards Melk
Minimum score to win a positive game 54
Minimum score to become absolute winner ----
Minimum score to become "mayor" in Thrash game ----
Bonus points for Valat *5(10)
Scoring table for games and bonuses Melk
Table 41: Scoring for Melk

Table 42 shows the option seting for the rule set Melk:

Game Settings: Options Melk
Forehand Color Three must not be first card leader no
Three with Six must be announced by the forehand at the beginn of the bidding no
Better Caller must announce the better piece together with the game, e. g. Pagat Caller yes
Quapil (IV wins the fourth to the last trick) as highes Better Piece no
Moon Capture bonus yes
4 Honors (highest value cards) bonus yes
8/10 Tarocks announcement bonus yes
4 Kings bonus in color games yes
4 Kings (Big Honors) bonus must be announced yes
Announced Trula (and 4 Kings) bonus if unannounced Valat no
Color cards may be deposited in color games only if no Tarock cards (except Trula) are present yes
The Kaiser-Trick rule is not applied yes
Triccolo as negative game must make 3 tricks exactly yes
No restriction when playing Pagat in negative games yes
Players with maximum score in Thrash game must pay the others yes
Forehand player with maximum score must pay double in Thrash game no
Player taking all tricks must pay double in Thrash game no
Tabelle 42: Optionen für Melk
See Also

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